Friday, August 23, 2019

Course of Action Statement and Sketch Coursework

Course of Action Statement and Sketch - Coursework Example In accordance with Field Manual (FM) 3-21-31 (2003), â€Å"Decisive operations at any echelon (accomplished by a designated main effort) directly achieve the purpose of the mission of the higher headquarters.   At the SBCT level, there is only one decisive operation†.   By that definition, once the attack by Ahurastan forces occurs, EUCOM will automatically switch to Phase 2, which is Seize the Initiative.   With 4ID aviation assets disrupting enemy forces, it is hoped that the SBCT will be able to accomplish its main decisive operation as established by the 4ID CG, to designate two routes through AO for passage and to close said routes on/order.   These routes have been designated on the map as the primary and alternate route.   AA1 has been preliminary chosen as the primary route because of the dam adjacent to AA2.   If the Commandos choose to sabotage the dam, road traffic would be cut off, especially considering there is no improved bridge on AA2. Because the 4 ID battle plans are not finalized as of this date, it is impossible to determine whether the division CG will require simultaneous shaping and decisive operations.   Therefore this COS will assume they will be separate entities.    In order to maintain the Decisive Operations as described above, SBCT fires teams will be established at integral areas along both designated routes, as well attempting to neutralize all enemy assets in the AO.   Engineer assets should be mobilized closer to AA2 with a fires team.... If the Commandos choose to sabotage the dam, road traffic would be cut off, especially considering there is no improved bridge on AA2. IV. Shaping operations Because the 4ID battle plans are not finalized as of this date, it is impossible to determine whether the division CG will require simultaneous shaping and decisive operations. Therefore this COS will assume they will be separate entities. In order to maintain the Decisive Operations as described above, SBCT fires teams will be established at integral areas along both designated routes, as well attempting to neutralize all enemy assets in the AO. As it slow to move them, Engineer assets should be mobilized closer to AA2 with a fires team in order to keep that route operational in case AA1 is overrun. If the area is not as heavily attacked as is predicted, the engineers can work on preparing a possible bridge over the ARAKS, even temporary will work in the event of an emergency. V. Sustaining operations By the FM, sustainment ope rations are conducted throughout the area of operations, so it would probably be best to break the sustainment down into the levels as discussed in Chapter 1 of the FM. The Op Order states the SBCT should be prepared to accomplish this mission for â€Å"several weeks†, until the Task Force is fully deployed and operational, a large order considering support is â€Å"austere†. V.1 Movement Military Police will provide movement control along the designated routes, especially once enemy forces have been neutralized. This will be one shortfall for the SBCT, as the MP’s will be stretched extremely thin along some 120 kilometers of roadway. If there are any MP assets available, perhaps the 4ID CG can attach them to the Combat Team, to augment our own forces. V.2 Security (Including rear

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